Weather: Chilly and 66 degrees F.
Today we went off to the shopping mall. It was very similar except there is a coffee and pastry shop or counter around every corner. You could have a latte and a fruit tart every 20 yards. If you want just plain coffee you order a flat black; if you want cream you order a flat white. I felt like some older people must feel when they go in Starbucks. I ordered a coffee and she asked what kind and I said, "Um, just plain coffee." and the waitress was all, "You mean a flat white." I said, "No just coffee with cream." "Yes, that's a flat white." "Okay, whatever, just hot and with caffeine."
Chris's mom has made a pavlova for dinner which is like a big meringue baked and then with whipped cream and fruit on it. It's a very Kiwiana food.
I think I will only detail and food we eat that is different from now on. I did buy a candy bar today that has nuts, marshmallow, fruit bits, caramel and almost anything else you might put in a candy bar. It is in my bring home bag. I am getting caught up on my present buying. I still haven't decided who is getting the sheep.
I did notice today at the mall a man with no shoes on. Chris said it is common for the beach goer crowd to go without shoes. I thought you all were just kidding when you asked if they wore shoes here! And they don't!
I know everyone is waiting to find out how I am going to become a billionaire. At the mall we went into the bookstore and I could not find the wedding books. I asked the cashier and she had to look it up in the computer. They had one guest book in the stationary section and one wedding gift book like with love quotes and ONLY 1 WEDDING MAGAZINE. So that's it. I am moving to New Zealand to make weddings the billion dollar industry like it is in the US. I am going to be the Martha Stewart of New Zealand weddings. I think I could start by opening a small wedding book store and consulting on budgets and checklist and then ramp up into full on planning. I would only have to import all the books from the US. The magazine I bought says "New Zealand's #1 Wedding Magazine" all I have to do is print a leaflet in Microsoft Publisher and I have already launched New Zealand's #2 Wedding Magazine.